Chinvat : Memorial of the Faithful

O my God!  O my God!  Verily, thy servant, humble before the majesty of Thy divine supremacy, lowly at the door of Thy oneness, hath believed in Thee and in Thy verses, hath testified to Thy word, hath been enkindled with the fire of Thy love, hath been immersed in the depths of the ocean of Thy knowledge, hath been attracted by Thy breezes, hath relied upon Thee, hath turned his face to Thee, hath offered his supplications to Thee, and hath been assured of Thy pardon and forgiveness.  He hath abandoned this mortal life and hath flown to the kingdom of immortality, yearning for the favor of meeting Thee.

O Lord, glorify his station, shelter him under the pavilion of Thy supreme mercy, cause him to enter Thy glorious paradise, and perpetuate his existence in Thine exalted rose garden, that he may plunge into the sea of light in the world of mysteries.
Verily, Thou art the Generous, the Powerful, the Forgiver and the Bestower.

Dear Friends,

Dwight Seeley was a very important person in the Kingdom. He and his wife Betty came to visit us in Glenwood Springs, CO in the early 2000s and always gave their full grounded support for all our efforts and projects. I first met the Seeley's during my several trips from Detroit to New York City back in the 1980s when I would come through Hermitage, PA. They always opened opened up both their home and their hearts for me in my travels and were always full loving supporters of all the diverse activities of their son Kevin who introduced me to them.

Recently in a trip to Washington D.C. they again opened up their home and hospitality for myself and my entire family. I had many exciting and wonderful talks with Dwight. He was extremely knowledgeable in both spiritual and material matters. Our prayers go out to him and his entire family. About 5 days before his passing he told Kevin--who had been taking care of all his personal needs for over a year now--that he was "done with this old worn out body." Kevin writes:

"Allah'u'Abha! Dear friends, My beloved father (Dwight Arling Seeley) made a most peaceful passage from his mortal body into the next world at 12:00 am Eastern time on Kamal 19, 172 B.E. (8/19/2015). All prayers for the departed will surely be to his benefit at the Threshold of God's Singleness. God's Grace is abundant." "After I found the Revelation of Baha'u'llah and had moved to Colorado, he began keeping track of news stories he came across about the Baha'i Faith and expressing his acceptance of it as no mere cult and giving his full support of all of my efforts in my personal teaching efforts even to the extent of great personal sacrifices. Any thoughts and prayers directed to God the Most Merciful, the Most Gracious on his behalf will surely ease his birth into his new life beyond this earthly realm. God bless all the friends and may all teaching efforts increase immeasurably. In service, Kevin Paul Seeley. Ya Allah El-Mustaghath!"

On Saturday, August 22, they will be assembling at noon in PA and then having a Memorial service for Dwight in the Masonic Tradition at about a quarter to 2:00 Eastern Time. Masonic Lodge 137 sits at the foot of Chair Mountain in Marble Colorado. 'Abdu'l-Baha has stated:

"A student of the modern methods of the higher criticism asked ‘Abdu’l-Baha if he would do well to continue in the church with which he had been associated all his life, and whose language was full of meaning to him. ‘Abdu’l-Baha answered: “You must not dissociate yourself from it. Know this; the Kingdom of God is not in any Society; some seekers go through many Societies as a traveler goes through many cities till he reach his destination. If you belong to a Society already do not forsake your brothers. You can be a Baha’i-Christian, a Baha’i-Freemason, a Baha’i-Jew, a Baha’i-Muḥammadan. The number nine contains eight, and seven, and all the other numbers, and does not deny any of them. Do not distress or deny anyone by saying ‘He is not a Baha’i!’ He will be known by his deeds. There are no secrets among Baha’is; a Baha’í does not hide anything.” ('Abdu'l-Baha in London)

As many of us will also be assembling world-wide to commemorate the anniversary of the Birth of the establisher, Dr. Leland Jensen on August 22--we will also be having a simultaneous memorial service for the crossing over of Dwight in our home here on the Front range--and will say prayers for the departed at a quarter to noon Mountain Time.

Best Wishes to all,
your servant,

Mason Remey was an Aghsan

Mason Remey was an Aghsan

due to being adopted by 'Abdu'l-Baha.

[Mason Remey is the legally adopted son of 'Abdu'l-Baha]

In the Star of the West it is recorded that 'Abdu'l-Baha publicly addressed Mason Remey as "O my dear son," (vol 10, #8 page 144) and "O thou enlightened beloved son," (vol 11, #13, page 229) plus it is recorded in a book written by one of the early believers that 'Abdu'l-Baha sent a message to Mason Remey saying, "You are very dear to me. You are so dear to me I think of you day and night. You are my real son. Therefore I have an idea for you. I hope it may come to pass. 'Abdu'l-Baha." [Diary of Juliet Thompson, page 71]

The evidence listed above is enough to prove that Mason was 'Abdu'l-Baha's son. In order to make the adoption legal and binding, in accordance with Israeli law, 'Abdu'l-Baha gave Mason Remey a token of inheritance via Shoghi Effendi. He enclosed it inside an envelope within which was another envelope containing the token. On the outside of the envelope in Shoghi Effendi's handwriting was this note:

"Of all the remnants of Baha'u'llah's all-sacred Person, the most hallowed, the most precious, confidently delivered into the hands of my brother and co-worker in the Cause of God, Mr. Remey. [Signed] Shoghi. March 1922."

On the inside envelope, which was sealed with a blob of wax was handwritten,

"Coagulated drops of Baha'u'llah's all-Sacred Blood and Ringlets of His Most Blessed Locks presented as my most precious possession to 'Abdu'l-Baha's 'DEAR SON' Mr. Charles Mason Remey as a token of my Baha'i affection and brotherly love. [signed] Shoghi."
[Click here to view the envelope of this token authenticated by the Guardian, Shoghi Effendi, in his own handwriting and signed by him]

It is clear and evident that Shoghi Effendi knew that Mason was 'Abdu'l-Baha's adopted son. This token seals the adoption agreement making it legal and binding! This token of the hair and the blood has important symbolism. The blood represents Baha'u'llah's bloodline which is "all-Sacred" and "Hallowed." The bloodline is that of the royal line of Kings descended from David. The hair represents the head, or guardianship of the Baha'i Faith.

Mason Remey Aghsan then adopted and appointed his son, Joseph Pepe Remey Aghsan who then adopted and appointed his son, Neal Chase ben Joseph Aghsan, to succeed him as the current Guardian of the Baha'i Faith. The appointment of the successors to the guardianship of the Baha’i faith always comes as a test unto the people. 'Abdu'l-Baha used the token of the hair and the blood; Mason used a token of a medallion in the shape of a nine pointed Baha’i star; and Pepe used a token in the form of a lapis lazuli Baha'i ring. When asked about these tokens, Mason Remey explained that they were a way to give away the test--but that they were not the manner in which the next guardian was appointed as anyone could then steal the token for themselves and claim the guardianship--the guardianship therefore can never be tied to any material object as that can always be stolen by others, Mason explained.

The criteria for the guardianship is to be a son (of the Aghsan lineage of King David through Baha'u'llah and 'Abdu'l-Baha) and to be appointed by the pervious guardian in the guardian's life-time. Neal inherited all these material possessions from his father Pepe and then donated them including the three tokens (a. the hair and blood; b. the medallion; and c. the ringstone seal) and other personal artifacts in his possession that he had inherited from Mason and Pepe--through the executor of Pepe's estate--to the public trust of all the Baha'i peoples Under the Provisions of the Covenant into the personal care of Dr. Leland Jensen in 1994 A.D. The guardian said he did this because first, no one would ever believe or be fooled into thinking that Dr. Jensen was the guardian of the Baha’i faith, and second so that these tokens could never be used by anyone ever again in the future to claim the guardianship of the Baha'i Faith as they had already served their purpose during the tests of Mason, Pepe and Neal. It is possible these relics and artifacts will survive the catastrophe and be placed in a Baha’i “Smithsonian;” and it is possible that they won't.

An adopted son has all the rigths and prerogatives as a natural son, inlcuding the Kingship.





Huwwa al-'ajami al-farisi al-'iraqi: “He is the American! The exiled Persian!” (Baha’u’llah, The Tablet of the Holy Mariner: Persian Section)

The purpose of the Covenant is not to unite the believers. The believers are already united. The function of the Covenant is to expose the Covenant-breakers--so we can separate (Hebrew: nazar literally separate) from them (W&T, p. 20)--for they are already in violation of the Covenant as materialists.

This is what Jesus meant in the Light Verse we he said: “And this is the judgment, that the light (baha) has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light (baha), because their deeds were evil. For every one who does evil hates the light (baha), and does not come to the light (baha), lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who does what is true comes to the light (baha), that it may be clearly seen that his deeds have been wrought in God.” (John 3:19-22, RSV)

The Covenant exposes the Covenant-breakers by allowing them to manifest their hate of God focused upon the innocent person of the living Davidic King in exile (exilarchs: exiled monarchs of King David). This appears in the form of Federal Court cases, personal ad hominem attacks and other stratagem and overt or subtitle devices, etc. In this way all scriptures explain that God separates the believers from the unbelievers through the criteria of his Covenant: “Therefore, come out from among unbelievers, and separate yourselves from them, says the LORD” (2 Cor. 6:17, NLT)

“Aslan refers to Al Qaeda's jihad against the west as ‘a cosmic war’, distinct from holy war, in which rival religious groups are engaged in an earthly battle for material goals. ‘A cosmic war is like a ritual drama in which participants act out on earth a battle they believe is actually taking place in the heavens.’ American rhetoric of ‘war on terrorism’, Aslan says, is in precise ‘cosmic dualism’ to Al Qaeda's jihad…  Aslan's prescription for winning the cosmic war is not to fight… ‘Throughout the Middle East, whenever moderate Islamist parties have been allowed to participate in the political process, popular support for more extremist groups has diminished.’” In all cases the goals are materialistic--they are material goals. This means dividing the spiritual people one against another and perpetuating the wars of the religions against one another. For if they admitted the existence of the heir to David’s throne all wars would cease. It is these WARS that fill their pockets for their own empowerment and aggrandizement. It is the real value and real wealth of human beings “cashed out,” so to speak, in the deaths of the lives of the people that translate into the gold that lines their pockets. And the foolish loved ones of God allow themselves to be deceived by these materialists who masquerade as the leaders of faith? Whom Jesus called wolves (materialists) in sheep’s clothing. So God send them a promised one--the living descendant of King David--so that those that hate God should expose themselves in public to all the unsuspecting people--so the loved ones of God should see that they are the Covenant-breakers; so the loved ones of God can separate themselves from these materialistic self-aggrandizers--falsifying numbers of followers to gain bank loans--and be free in God to govern themselves and worship God in their own way in the true unorganized religion--for no one,‘Abdu’l-Baha, states can organize spirituality in any way, shape or form. In the Kitab-i Ahd (Covenant of Baha’u’llah) and the sacred Will and Testament of ‘Abdu’l-Baha it establishes the living David King as the center of the Covenant: “He is the “‘sign of God’” (W&T, p. 11). He is the “sign of God” against who the Covenant-breakers fight exposing themselves. He is the “sign of God” separating the believers from the unbelievers. He is the “sign of God” by which we can recognize the true Universal House of Justice of Baha’u’llah from fakes, frauds and imitations!

The word Nazarene (means to separate). Jesus was a Nazarene or Nazarite (Num. 6:1-21) because they separated themselves from the corrupt politics and materialistic wars of the materialists or “unbelievers” in the spiritual reality: they were liberated from the divisiveness in his day. It is in the advantage of the materialist to masquerade as “saved” and “holy” and take up leadership positions in the churches, synagogues and mosques, and then beat the drums of war for their materialistic political allies and gain their gratuitous kick-backs.

Thus the Covenant exposes those who are against God so the believers in God the pure in heart can separate from them. As to those who are not against the living David King and the work we are doing: Jesus states: “Forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us.”

Our allies are those who allow us to continue our work unhindered. Those in opposition, those who are against us personally: they are those that are the violators of the Covenant “Verily we wronged them not but they have wronged themselves.” (W&T, p. 9).

Huwwa al-'ajami al-farisi al-'iraqi: “He is the Nazarene! The Exilarch!” (Baha’u’llah, The Tablet of the Holy Mariner: Persian Section)

172 BE - 2015 Ridván Message - The Universal House of Justice


Official Website of the Baha'is Under the Provision of Covenant (of India) has been launched.

Please visit :


Baha’i Sabbath: Mulk 14, 171 B.E. (2/20/2015)

FEROCITY and savagery are natural to animals, but men should show forth the qualities of love and affection. God sent all His Prophets into the world with one aim, to sow in the hearts of men love and goodwill, and for this great purpose they were willing to suffer and to die. All the sacred Books were written to lead and direct man into the ways of love and unity; and yet, in spite of all this, we have the sad spectacle of war and bloodshed in our midst.
When we look into the pages of history, past and present, we see the black earth reddened by human blood. Men kill each other like the savage wolves, and forget the laws of love and tolerance.
Now this luminous age has come, bringing with it wonderful civilization and material progress. Men’s intellects have widened, their perceptions grown, but alas, in spite of all this, fresh blood is being spilt day by day. Look at the present Turco-Italian war; consider for a moment the fate of these unhappy people! How many have been killed during this sad time? How many homes are ruined, wives desolate, and children orphans! And what is to be gained in exchange for all this anguish and heartache? Only a corner of the earth!
This all shows that material progress alone does not tend to uplift man. On the contrary, the more he becomes immersed in material progress, the more does his spirituality become obscured.
In times gone by progress on the material plane was not so rapid, neither was there bloodshed in such profusion. In ancient warfare there were no cannons, no guns, no dynamite, no shells, no torpedo boats, no battleships, no submarines. Now, owing to material civilization, we have all these inventions, and war goes from bad to worse! Europe itself has become like one immense arsenal, full of explosives, and may God prevent its ignition—for, should this happen, the whole world would be involved.
I want to make you understand that material progress and spiritual progress are two very different things, and that only if material progress goes hand in hand with spirituality can any real progress come about, and the Most Great Peace reign in the world. If men followed the Holy Counsels and the Teachings of the Prophets, if Divine Light shone in all hearts and men were really religious, we should soon see peace on earth and the Kingdom of God among men. The laws of God may be likened unto the soul and material progress unto the body. If the body were not animated by the soul, it would cease to exist. It is my earnest prayer that spirituality may ever grow and increase in the world, so that customs may become enlightened and peace and concord may be established.
War and rapine with their attendant cruelties are an abomination to God, and bring their own punishment, for the God of love is also a God of justice and each man must inevitably reap what he sows. Let us try to understand the commands of the Most High and to order our lives as He directs. True happiness depends on spiritual good and having the heart ever open to receive the Divine Bounty.
If the heart turns away from the blessings God offers how can it hope for happiness? If it does not put its hope and trust in God’s Mercy, where can it find rest? Oh, trust in God! for His Bounty is everlasting, and in His Blessings, for they are superb. Oh! put your faith in the Almighty, for He faileth not and His goodness endureth forever! His Sun giveth Light continually, and the Clouds of His Mercy are full of the Waters of Compassion with which He waters the hearts of all who trust in Him. His refreshing Breeze ever carries healing in its wings to the parched souls of men! Is it wise to turn away from such a loving Father, Who showers His blessings upon us, and to choose rather to be slaves of matter?
God in His infinite goodness has exalted us to so much honor, and has made us masters over the material world. Shall we then become her slaves? Nay, rather let us claim our birthright, and strive to live the life of the spiritual sons of God. The glorious Sun of Truth has once again risen in the East. From the far horizon of Persia its radiance is spreading far and wide, dispersing the dense clouds of superstition. The light of the unity of mankind is beginning to illumine the world, and soon the banner of Divine harmony and the solidarity of nations will be flying high in the Heavens. Yea, the breezes of the Holy Spirit will inspire the whole world!
Oh, peoples and nations! Arise and work and be happy! Gather together under the tent of the unity of mankind!
Abdu’l-Baha’, Paris Talks #34 11/21/1911


‘Abdu’l-Baha (in Tablets of the Divine Plan) states that
“We must  do three things in order to receive our rays of the holy spirit: teach the faith, live the life, and firmness in the Covenant.” In the seven valleys these three things parallel the outer law, the path, and the tree of reality of which the 12 principles of the Baha’i faith are the fruits of that tree.

The activity in teaching opens up our inner most selves to the expression of our knowledge and love of God and the divine to be shared with our fellow human beings. This increase the capacity for the test in our living the life which essentially means loving all the world and al the people of the world. Jesus taught we should love our neighbor and even love our enemies. While the enemies of the Faith may exists we have nothing but love for them. When he said to love our neighbor he did not mean that we should love the bad things that he may do to us--but rather that we love the person--the true soul from God. Firmness in the Covenant means re-dedicating ourselves to every single provision of the Master’s Will and Testament. It also means understanding the Tablet of the Dichotomy ( in seeing how the Promise of God is fulfilled in the Covenant of Baha’u’llah in the Kitab-i Ahd.


‘Abdu’l-Baha (in Tablets of the Divine Plan) states that

“We must  do three things in order to receive our rays of the holy spirit: teach the faith, live the life, and firmness in the Covenant.” In the seven valleys these three things parallel the outer law, the path, and the tree of reality of which the 12 principles of the Baha’i faith are the fruits of that tree.

The activity in teaching opens up our inner most selves to the expression of our knowledge and love of God and the divine to be shared with our fellow human beings. This increase the capacity for the test in our living the life which essentially means loving all the world and al the people of the world. Jesus taught we should love our neighbor and even love our enemies. While the enemies of the Faith may exists we have nothing but love for them. When he said to love our neighbor he did not mean that we should love the bad things that he may do to us--but rather that we love the person--the true soul from God. Firmness in the Covenant means re-dedicating ourselves to every single provision of the Master’s Will and Testament. It also means understanding the Tablet of the Dichotomy 

( in seeing how the Promise of God is fulfilled in the Covenant of Baha’u’llah in the Kitab-i Ahd.